
3001 Avenue U, Marine Park, NY 11229

[Marine Park Real Estate, listing number 7082250]

Description: 7082250
   Amazing investment opportunity! Package deal 3003 Avenue U are two commercial buildings located in the vibrant neighborhood were Marine Park meets Sheepshead Bay in Brooklyn, New York. These buildings are situated in a prime location, offering great visibility and accessibility for business and customers alike. Both buildings feature modern architecture and well-maintained exteriors, making them visually appealing. The interiors are spacious and versatile, providing ample room for various types of businesses. Whether you`re looking to open a retail store, a restaurant, or an office space, these buildings offer plenty of potential. The surrounding area is bustling with activity, with a mix of residential and commercial establishments. This creates a vibrant and diverse community, attracting a steady flow of foot traffic throughout the day. Nearby amenities such as shops, restaurants, and parks make it an attractive destination for both locals and visitors. The location of the property is well connected to public transportation, with several bus stops and subway stations in close proximity. This makes commuting to and from the area convenient for employees and customers. Overall, this package deal offers a fantastic opportunity for businesses to establish themselves in a thriving neighborhood with a strong sense of community.

   Property Type: Commercial
   Built: 1925

   Price: $1,900,000


Revived Residential
Joseph C. Forzano
Office: (929)379-3750

provided by Brooklyn NY MLS