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1092 Clarkson Avenue, Brownsville, NY 11212

Description: 2100516
   EXISTING BUSINESS FOR SALE: This business has been on the market for over 10 years under the operating name of Amazing African American Food and Gift Store Inc. It''s situated directly in a highly bustling area along Clarkson Ave in Brownsville, Brooklyn, NY. The sale includes its clientele, equipment, and licenses. This grocery store has diligently served the community for over a decade, offering various consumable and domestic products. Widely recognized within and beyond the neighborhood, it boasts an extensive range of products. The business has garnered a diverse clientele within and outside Brownsville due to its strategic location in a commercial hub. Additionally, it enjoys proximity to major bus lines and the 2, 3, and 4 trains. Don''t miss this opportunity to negotiate for your ideal place and turn your vision into a thriving business. This Turnkey business is waiting for you!EXISTING BUSINESS FOR SALE: This business has been on the market for over 10 years under the operating name of Amazing African American Food and Gift Store Inc. It''s situated directly in a highly bustling area along Clarkson Ave in Brownsville, Brooklyn, NY. The sale includes its clientele, equipment, and licenses. This grocery store has diligently served the community for over a decade, offering various consumable and domestic products. Widely recognized within and beyond the neighborhood, it boasts an extensive range of products. The business has garnered a diverse clientele within and outside Brownsville due to its strategic location in a commercial hub. Additionally, it enjoys proximity to major bus lines and the 2, 3, and 4 trains. Don''t miss this opportunity to negotiate for your ideal place and turn your vision into a thriving business. This Turnkey business is waiting for you!

   Property Type: House

   Price: $49,999

EXIT All Seasons Realty
Adebanjo A Olatunji
Office: 718-345-4545
