Specialize in Staten island And Brooklyn And Manhattan Real Estate
Staten Island real estate broker
 Comfort Homes Realty Group                TONY PALEVIC TOP-PRODUCING AGENT...2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009...And 2010
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Staten Island real estate agent

Sucuri (Tony) Palevic
Lic. Real Estate Broker

Cell: 917-519-8172
Fax: 718-980-2130

 Contact info
Loan Calculator
Length of Loan in Years:
Interest Rate:
Loan Amount:
Annual Property Tax:
Annual Insurance:
Monthly Principal + Interest:
Monthly Tax:
Monthly Insurance:
Total Payment:

Note:The information found in these calculators are to be used as a guide and is deemed reliable but not guaranteed.

Comfort Homes Realty Group - 604 Midland Avenue - Staten Island, NY 10306   917-519-8172

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