Brooklyn real estate for sale in Brooklyn

Gravesend, NY 11223

[Gravesend Real Estate, listing number 7085405]
Description: 7085405
   Well established business for sale in the heart of Midwood/Gravesend! International food manufacturing. Grocery store for sale in the prime location, high traffic area, high exposure, fully renovated, modern store. Retail Grocery and Delicatessen (ready food) store with coffee station and household products display. Huge customized kitchen in the basement with all needed equipment, the owner can make all kinds of food, including salads, deserts, soups, appetizers, hot dishes, etc. The store has a big potential for increase an income. Rent $4600 mth, electric $1600-$2000 mth, water $200 per mth. Included stoves, cooking stations, refrigerators, freezers, shelves, display cabinets, etc. Finished basement with office, kitchen and bathroom. The floors have tiles. There are 2 bathrooms in the store: one on the 1st floor and another in the basement. $30K-$35K of products included in the price. $1,260,000 gross income. Net income is around $400K-$600K

   Property Type: BUSINESS

   Price: $199,000